Ardekan Rug

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Ardekan Rug
Design of Ardakan Rug (Rugman)
General information
NameArdakan Rug
Original nameقالی اردکان
Alternative name(s)Ardakan Carpet
Origin Iran: Yazd
CategoryCity rug
Technical information
Dyeing methodNatural dyes, synthetic dyes

Ardakan or Ardekan rugs originate from Ardakan, in the northwest corner of Yazd Province, known for its fabulous Persian carpets, is also historically a center of camel raising. Although it is located between Yazd and Nain, its influence comes primarily from Kashan. Throughout this area of Iran other small towns including Boroujerd, Josheghan, Khomaine, Najafabad, Taleghan, and Veramin, still weave Persian carpets with influences carried forward from the 16th century. Weavers from Ardekan use a Persian asymmetrical knot. Ardekan rugs woven in the larger cities are of the highest standards. Even though Ardakan rugs produced in villages tend to be of lesser quality than those produced in the larger cities, they are considered to be among the best in the world. It may take years for a dedicated artisan to produce a single rug.[citation needed]