Ardebil Rug

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Ardebil Rug
Design of Ardabil Rug (Rugman)
General information
NameArdabil Rug
Original nameقالی اردبیل
Alternative name(s)Ardabil Carpet
Origin Iran: Ardabil
CategoryVillage, City
Technical information
Common designsMedallion, Herati
Common colorsTurquoise, White, Ceram, Navy Blue, Green
Dyeing methodNatural, Synthetic
Foundation materialWool, Silk
Weaving TechniqueCotton
Knot typeSymmetrical (Turkish), Asymmetrical (Persian)

Ardabil rugs originate from Ardabil, located in the East Azerbaijan Province but is today the Ardebil Province of northwestern Iran. Ardabil has a long and illustrious history of Persian carpet weaving. The reign of the Safavid Dynasty in the 16th and 17th centuries represented the peak of Persian carpet making in the region. The name Ardabil comes from the Avesta (The sacred book of Zoroastrians) with the word Artavil literally meaning a tall holy place. The weavers in Ardabil ply their craft using Persian knots. One of the most famous carpets in existence today is a Persian carpet from Ardabil. This magnificent masterpiece measuring 34' x 17' is hanging on display in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England.


See also

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  1. Abraham Levi Moheban. 2015. The Encyclopedia of Antique Carpets: Twenty-Five Centuries of Weaving. NewYork: Princeton Architectural Press.