Yazd Rug

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Yazd city rugs are among the most gorgeous of the Persian rug family. Their stunning colors and intricate patterns remind us of the ancient beautiful rugs which were woven in Central Iran many centuries ago. The number of colors used in Yazd rugs is endless. However, a rich burgundy is usually the predominant one and some other common colors are different shades of blue, green and ivory. Yazds have traditional floral patterns and they bear a striking resemblance to the legandary rugs of the city of Kashan. The city of Yazd is located in the province of Yazd, which is in central Iran which is not too far from Kashan, Kerman, Qum, Nain, or Isfahan. A truly magnificent work of art, no words can describe the utmost beauty of the famous rugs of Yazd.[citation needed]





Techniques and structures

Color and dyeing

Motifs and patterns

Weaving techniques

Commercial aspects

Cultural aspects


See also


Further readings

External links