WikiRug:Selected anniversaries/January 11

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This is a list of selected January 11 anniversaries that appears on the "On this day" section of the Main Page. To suggest a new item, in most cases you can be bold and edit this page. Please read the selected anniversaries guidelines before making your edit. However, if your addition might be controversial, or on a day that is or soon will be on the Main Page, please post your suggestion on the talk page instead.

Please note that the events listed on the Main Page are chosen based more on relative article quality and to maintain a mix of topics, not based solely on how important or significant their subjects are. Only five to six events are posted at a time and thus not everything that is "most important and significant" can be listed. In addition, an event is not generally posted this year if it is also the subject of the scheduled [[WikiRug:Today's featured article/Template:SelAnnivTalk CalculateAppropriateYear|Template:SelAnnivTalk CalculateAppropriateYear featured article]] or the [[Template:POTD/Error: Invalid time.|Template:SelAnnivTalk CalculateAppropriateYear featured picture]].

To report an error when this appears on the Main Page, see Main Page errors. Please remember that this list defers to the supporting articles, so it is best to achieve consensus and make any necessary changes there first.

< January 10 January 12 >



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Blurb Reason
1055Theodora Porphyrogenita became sole ruler of the Byzantine empire after the death of her brother-in-law Constantine IX Monomachos. missing page numbers
1879 – British forces under Lord Chelmsford invaded Zululand without authorisation from the British Government, beginning the Anglo-Zulu War. needs more footnotes
1922Insulin was first administered to a human patient with diabetes at the Toronto General Hospital in Toronto, Canada. appears on July 27
1942Second World War: Japanese forces attacked Manado on present-day Sulawesi Island as an attempt to open up a passage to attack Australia through the eastern part of Dutch East Indies. needs more footnotes
1943 – Italian American journalist and union activist Carlo Tresca, a leading public opponent of Mafia infiltration of unions, was assassinated by a Mafia gunman. refimprove section
1960Henry Lee Lucas, once listed as America's most prolific serial killer, committed his only confirmed murder, although he confessed to killing about 600 and was convicted of eleven homicides. refimprove section



January 11

French troops in the Ruhr
French troops in the Ruhr

Nicolas Steno (b. 1638) · John Molson (d. 1836) · Eva Tanguay (d. 1947)

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